Freeze drying Lab Logo

Freeze drying Lab

Freeze drying services

Who is Freeze drying Lab?

Our services are best suited for product development for various industries like food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical and more. Our services include Lyophilization Consulting, Freeze drying process planning Product development, and lab freeze drying for various materials. Our services are based on years of experience in various areas of freeze drying and Cryobiology. With years of experience Freeze drying Lab provides professional expert services for companies in need of freeze drying product development. We offer innovative and advanced Lyophilization Services, tailored to your needs, escorting you throughout the R&D, Lyophilization process planning and the actual freeze drying. Freeze Drying Lab was founded in 2011 by David Kliger, an expert researcher in Freeze Drying technology. Freeze Drying Lab is tasked to provide quality and cost-effective lyophilization services to customers from foodtech, biotech cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. Our projects portfolio contains products developed using various freeze drying techniques, covering a range of disciplines and materials.

This company is:

Service provider

Ramat Gan, Israel


Founding year: 2011

Products & services of Freeze drying Lab

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Food and Beverage


Science and Engineering
Professional Services
Consumer Goods
Food and Beverage
Health Care

Use Cases of Freeze drying Lab


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Contact of Freeze drying Lab

City: Ramat Gan

State: Tel Aviv District

Country: Israel

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Freeze drying Lab

The company Freeze drying Lab is located in Ramat Gan, Tel Aviv District, Israel. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

Freeze drying Lab was founded in 2011

The company Freeze drying Lab has it's main focus in the industries of Biotechnology, Science and Engineering, Professional Services, Consumer Goods, Food and Beverage, Health Care